March 31, 2009

Celebrity Gossip

Here's some random celebrity gossip:
  • Jennifer Hudson and her fiancée Punk have set a wedding date. I'm happy for her. Despite his stint on reality tv, Punk (real name David) is a smart guy who went to U of I and then got his law degree from Harvard. They are a really cute couple and he seems really good for her.
  • Isaiah Washington is getting evicted! I'm sure some people are just enjoying this after some of the remarks that the former "Grey's Anatomy" star said. He definitely lost cool points in my book for that mess. Anyways, he's been forced to move out because he's been behind on his payments.
  • This is old news by now but I never really said anything about it: TI has been sentenced to a year and a day in jail. I'm sure he'll get out early on good behavior. Hopefully this fool has learned his lesson.
  • Lil' Scrappy has signed to DTP. Why I'm writing on this I don't know...
  • Rumor has it that Mary J. Blige has started drinking again. I really don't believe this mess. She seems to have had it together for a really long time now. People always want to start stuff.
  • Method Man got his car repossessed for not paying taxes to the IRS. He owes a lot of money and this fool has been getting notices from them since 2002! Wow.


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