August 15, 2009

Sigh....Mariah and Amerie Album Updates

So I've sure you've heard the rumors already that Mariah has stopped all album promotion after her disappointing first single "Obsessed." "Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel" (that title sucks) will now be released September 29th (at least I think that's what I heard).

Also, Amerie's album (after several setbacks) will now be released in October.....ummm. What's going on? They both need to get it together assap. Mariah's team needs to be slapped because they knew she needed a great album release after E=MC2. Additionally, with making the first single a diss record, and having Eminem come back at her, she kinda lookin like a fool right now. And Amerie? She really has some hard core fans....because we've been waiting for this release a little bit too long. She has another single which I lot of people are feeling (not me personally) and hopefully this will be the push to get her album off the ground.


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