June 21, 2009

Will You Watch?

So June 30th marks the premiere of The Tiny and Toya Show. Tiny is of course T.I.'s baby momma/rumored wife and Toya is Antonia (Toya) Johnson-Carter better known as Lil'Wayne ex-wife. The show is supposedly going to chronicle the lives of "two dynamic, young women immersed in the craziness of the Hip Hop world, but striving to find inner strength, peace and purpose.” LOL!!! Alrighty then.....I'm not going to make a comment.

Both ladies looked really nice in the promo commercials I've seen so far. I missed the preview special so I guess I'll have to wait for the sneak peek after the BET Awards on the 28th. To be honest....what is the show going to be about besides shopping and raising kids? I know Tiny has her nail salon so perhaps that will be a part of the show, but other than that I don't see what's going to take up a whole season of episodes. Well I'll tune in and attempt to watch it.


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