April 3, 2009

Random Tidbits

Jamie Foxx (my birthday buddy) had a stalker. Apparently this guy was posing as Beyoncé's music producer and tried to force himself into Jamie's hotel room or something to that effect. He had been seen lingering around him on other occasions as well. He was charged. (If you haven't noticed, if you want a full story or one with facts you need to go to another site)

Madonna's Malawi adoption was not approved. For some reason, I'm happy about this. On the one hand, I don't want this little girl left in an orphanage. However, I'm tired of these celebrities thinking they can just fly off to another country and pick a child to adopt. Word to Madonna: there's a lot of Tyrone's, Jose's, and Shereefa's in the US that would love to be adopted.


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