April 1, 2009

My Blog's Birthday

My blog is turning one month old today! Awww!!! This is my 132nd post and clearly I have way too much time on my hands.

However, there will be a drastic decrease in new posts because I have a lot of things on my plate during the next few weeks. I have to prepare for the summer (employment, school, housing), start studying and taking my finals, and start applying for some conferences that I'd really like to atttend. I'm really excited about all the things that I have going on in my life, but I have a lot of apprehension as well. We'll see how things turn out and I won't forget to give updates.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I don't even have a 100 posts yet and my blog is 4 months old and you already have half as many views. F*** yo couch!!! I'm on the streets with my mac and I ain't talkin bout no laptop! Where you at, homie?!

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